Monday, September 29, 2008

Summer Project

My summer project! yay! I painted them on the wall of a playroom. =)
Im a princess, woo hoo! haha jk...
My lovely assistant Franchesca (my sis), I couldn't have done it without her. =)

Sketchbook 3

A sugar glider!!! They are so cute...
Yes, I am aware that they look a bit anime-ish.... 
A Kung Fu Llama... haha. Just did it for kicks... and a crazy squirrel.
Outfit ideas.

Sketchbook 2

Animals Im interested in making characters of. I sketched a few here.
This is a character made after my doggy. =)
Ariel... *shrug*

Sketchbook 1

 Here are some sketches and ideas...
Sketches of disney princesses... It was for a summer project thingy..

I had been wanting to make a bat character for a while... I finally did some sketches.
A sea dragon. Those things are awesome... =)
Two little girls =) yes one does have claws... I like her.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

More Figure Class

I kept focusing too much on line and ended up not getting to the value... let me know what you think of the proportions if you'd like...
I got a little shading in... still had a lot to go though. The back might look a bit strange...
This guy again.. haha. Still had/has quite a ways to go...
This one has more values on the body than the others... I definatly had to work faster...

Sunday, September 7, 2008

More Observational Color

This was a still life that we had to put together. We also had to make a character out of magazine cut outs and draw it out to add to our painting. We also had to have a color scheme and pay close attention to colored lighting.
An outdoor still life. I started in Acrylics, but decided to change to Caran Dache Crayons. 
We had to do an outdoor setting using the same character from the other piece. We were supposed to use color to be able to understand what's going on. We looked at what colors stand for...
A study on how color is reflected onto objects.

This was such an annoying project! We had to punch holes in magazines and collect colors, then use the little circles we punched out to make this. Talk about time consuming.

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