Friday, August 26, 2011

Time for breakfast!

Woohoo! Lots of new posts today! Haven't posted in a while..

What happens when the sun sets...?

iPad Butterflies

Greek Mythology

Top to bottom: Sirens of the Sea, Ladon the 100 headed sea serpent, Hades and Cerberus

Princess Mononoke

Some fan art, love Miyazaki

Red Lightning Volcano

Crazy Chameleon Fight

These guys disguise themselves as other animals!

Caricature of myself

Lol my attempt..

Elf in the Moonlight

Members of Sketch Club app

Love this app

Nerdy Quail


These are dedicated to other artists and their styles. Top to bottom: Robert Fuller, Mandie Manzano, Zachary Bradley

Culture Carnival

Festivals: Gerewol (Africa), Cherry Blossom (Japan), Chinese New Year, Pushkar (India), Songkran (Thailand), Oktoberfet (Germany), Running of the Bulls (Spain), Venice Carnival (Italy), Quebec Winter Festival, Puerto Rican Festival, Brazil Carnival, and Mardi Gras

Doodle Sketch 3 Dragon Fish

First I drew some doodles with my eyes closed, then I tried to create something out of them. Fun stuff!

Doodle Scribble 2 Fox

Doodle sketch 1 Anchor Fish

I lost the doodle for this one.

Poison Lily

Tied making a magic card for fun, don't really know anything about the game lol. It was a competition on the sketch club app. The card edge was a template.

Whos Watching